November is National Gratitude Month. Today’s nomination goes to our awesome Pack 1954 – THOMAS MCKNIGHT!!! 👏👏👏👏 Thomas has shown us all a consistent strong heart for scouting and volunteered countless hours towards each Cub Adventure as the Event Chair the past few years. He is never without a smile and always encouraging scouts and leaders alike with his positive point of view. Thank you for being a great example of Scouting Leadership here in the Rio Grande Council. Tell us why you’re thankful for Scouting and we’ll share responses over the next 30 days on Facebook and Instagram. Tag us on Facebook @ RGC.BSA or use hashtag #ThankfulGratefulRGC . Text your thoughts, pictures, snaps of gratitude to 956-332-5512.

Rio Grande Council, BSA Follow us on Facebook at: